
  • updated 5 yrs ago

Will there be support available for the installation process?

It's not needed (since the installation process is very simple), but we can assist you with the installation process when needed.

If I purchase Response Simulator with hardware, will VSTEP pre-install the software for me?


Is it possible for VSTEP to provide on-site installation?

Yes, we can provide on-site installation and training.

What should i do when i get the next message -> Error: Missing MSVCP140.dll

When you run Response Simulator and the program halts on: "The program can't start because MSVCP140.dll is missing ......", most probable solution: Download & Reinstall VS2017
Choose the right version (32 or 64 bit), download it to your computer, install it (again) and the issue should be solved when you start RS.

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  • 5 yrs agoLast active
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