Frequently Asked Questions

  • updated 5 yrs ago


Do you provide NAUTIS in other languages?

Our software is currently available in English. For other languages please contact us for the possibilities. 

Can I use NAUTIS without any simulator training?

Yes, you can use the simulator without any training with our How To Guides on our community platform. However, we suggest you to get our basic training package.  

Is it possible to use NAUTIS at home?

Our NAUTIS Home edition is currently in development. Reach us to get more information or visit 



What is the difference between trainee and target vessel?

A trainee vessel is assignable to trainee simulator, controllable with full dynamics and has all relevant properties available, also suitable to be towed.  

A target vessel meant to follow a route or be static, with limited dynamics. This control type cannot be assigned to a Trainee station and propulsion/steering is not controllable by the instructor.  



What kind of simulator setups are available for NAUTIS?

We have different configurations:  

  • Navigation/Naval/Fishery: Portable, Console and Full Mission Bridge Simulators 
  • Towage: Portable and Full Mission Tug Simulators 
  • Offshore/DP: NI Class A, Class B, Class C DP Simulators  
  • Inland: CESNI Radar compliant, CESNI Radar compliant+, Vessel Handling, Vessel Handling+ 

Communication: GMDSS Portable Simulators 

What type of training can be performed with NAUTIS?

Ship Handling & Manoeuvring 

  • ECDIS Model Course 1.27 
  • RADAR/ARPA Model Course 1.07 
  • NavAids (GPS, AIS, Echo sounder, speedlog) 
  • AIS Model Course 1.34 
  • VHF Radio Communications  
  • Officer of the Navigational Watch Model Course 7.03  
  • GMDSS Radio Communications Model Course 1.25 and 1.26 
  • Replenishment at Sea Manoeuvers 
  • Bridge Team Work Model Course 1.22 
  • Integrated Bridge Systems Model Course 1.32 
  • OSV Handling and Manoevring  
  • Dynamic Positioning 
  • Tug Handling and Manoevring 
  • (Inland) Radar Training & Examination 
  • (Inland) Inter- and intra-ship Communication Training and Examination 
  • Inland ECDIS familiarization 
  • Inland Vessel Handling Training and Examination Boatmaster 

Are VR Headsets compatible with NAUTIS simulators?

Yes, with the HMD Module, you can connect it to VR Head Mounted Display, which can be used as virtual binoculars, bridge wing view or heli deck position. 

Can real ship equipment such as Radars & ECDIS be connected to NAUTIS?

The NAUTIS Control Station provides an open interface for other software/hardware via any interface/SDK provided, like HLA, CANbus, or NMEA based systems on a simulation operation level. 

By default, it supports interfaces for other simulators and marine equipment in the open, standard format, widely used in the maritime industry: NMEA. 

Which communication devices can I train with the communication tool?

The NAUTIS GMDSS communication tool incl. VHF with PTT handset, including VHF (DSC), MF/HF (DSC), Navtex, Inmarsat C, Fleet 77, Inmarsat B, EPIRB, SART, Radar, GPS, Portable VHF, AirBand VHF and RadioTelex fully operational features, as far as their GMDSS operational procedures. 



What are the available modules for NAUTIS ?

Navigation, Naval, Fishery, DP, offshore, towage and inland. 

Can NAUTIS be used for offshore training exercises?

The NAUTIS Dynamic Positioning (DP) Simulators are developed in compliance with the DNV-GL and the Nautical Institute DP equipment/simulator specifications, guaranteeing optimal training value and realism. They adhere to and even exceed the functional requirements and accreditation standards as described by the DNV and the Nautical Institute. 

What objects are available in the standard packages of NAUTIS?

In the standard vessels package is included 5 Trainee Vessels and 20 Target Vessels. Trainee Vessels include:  

  • Tugboat 
  • Coaster 
  • Ro-Ro Ferry 
  • Containership 
  • Oil Tanker 

How many environments are available in NAUTIS?

In the standard environments package is included 5 environments:  

  • Bosporus Strait 
  • English Channel incl. Ports of Dover and Calais 
  • New York incl. Newark and Approach 
  • San Francisco 
  • Hong Kong 



Is it possible to get a refreshment training to increase my product knowledge?

Yes, that is possible. Twice a year we provide refreshment courses and a Simulator Advancement Program where you can refresh your product knowledge for optimal usage. 

Can I debrief and assess the conducted training in NAUTIS?

Yes, it is possible to debrief and assess the training with the debriefing app and optional assessment tool we provide. 

Is monitoring possible during a NAUTIS training?

The NAUTIS Simulator(s) can be fully monitored and controlled by the Instructor Station. 



How many years of support is included in the contract?

Usually you will receive one-year support in your contract. If you want to extend your support contract please contact:

What is included in the support contract?

The following services are included in the support system:  Flexible support which includes email support and phone assistance during the Dutch working hours.   

Access to VSTEP Support Helpdesk where the dedicated NAUTIS Support Team is ready to help resolve any queries you have. The support team can be contacted by phone and email; the average response time to queries is within two business day. In case of emergencies, it is recommended to contact the support team by phone. 

It is also possible to get on site support which includes refresher training by a VSTEP assigned engineer. For more information please contact us.  

Contact details for support +31 10 2014520  or


Do I receive software updates when I purchase Nautis?

You will receive software updates only with a support contract. Please contact us if you are interested in extending your support contact.   

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